What is Engage Muslims with Christ?

The Engage Muslims with Christ course helps Christians develop a biblical and relational approach to understanding Islam and reaching Muslims, by following the example of Jesus.

This course is a practical and comprehensive learning experience designed by Horizons International and taught by some of the most experienced evangelists working with Muslims today!

Learn how to thoughtfully and effectively share the gospel with Muslims. 

What will I learn?

Muslims Through Biblical Eyes

Jesus Model: Types & Stories

Contrasts Between Christianity & Islam

The Rise of Islam & its Current State

Women: The Forgotten Half

The Religious Life of Muslims

& more…

Meet Your Teachers

Georges Houssney

Founder & President

Horizons International

Barbara Yandell


Hope for the Nations

Horizons International

Executive Director

 Pierre Houssney

Satan would like us to believe that Muslims are unreachable in order to discourage us and instill a spirit of defeat into God’s children. Until we have given Muslims the opportunity to hear the Gospel we cannot say that Muslims are resistant.

Thousands of Muslims have come to Christ in the last decade alone, in response to preaching, teaching, radio, correspondence courses, and Bible distribution.

The Internet has penetrated thick walls that two decades ago were thought impenetrable.

— Georges Houssney, Engaging Islam